Name and address of the Association



Supremacy of the Constitution



Aims and Objectives






Membership and Duties of members



National Headquarters and Chapters



Organs of the CUL ALUMNI



Duties and functions of organs of the CUL ALUMNI



Meeting and Quorum



Tenure of Office of Elected Officers









Electoral System



Discipline and Removal of Officer



Adoption and Amendment of his Constitution



Miscellaneous Provisions





The name of the Association shall be “CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK (CUAN)”. Hereinafter referred to as the “CUAN” and its National address shall be:


Caleb University,

KM 15 Ikorodu-Itokin road

Lagos, Nigeria.

While chapter(s) address shall be listed in the appendix


  1. This Constitution shall be Supreme and its provision shall have a binding force on all members individually and collectively.
  2. All Chapters and Affiliates shall operate this Constitution in the name of CUAN.
  3. Further provisions to the Constitution at the Chapter levels shall be ratified by the CUAN council.
  4. Any inconsistency with the provision of this Constitution at the National or Chapter level shall be null and void.
  5. Unauthorized authority(ies) from any quarters not provided for, and not in agreement with the provision of this constitution shall be liable to prosecution in the law court, under the Law of the State.


  1. To act as a connecting link between Caleb University and its graduates, as well as the public in general. Towards this end the CUAN shall promote the interests, welfare and educational aims of Caleb University and its alumni.
  2. To initiate, plan and execute programs and/or activities-aimed at accelerating the overall growth and development of CUL.
  3. To promote mutual understanding, cooperation and lifelong engagement among CUL graduates and the University community.
  4. To provide for the exchange of information and ideas between CUL and its alumni by having a representative on the Caleb University Lagos Council. It shall give advice to the University authorities, State and Federal Government on such spheres of academic activities requiring specialist advice.
  5. To provide useful link between persons, Associations, Societies and Institution established in Nigeria or abroad having similar objectives with CUAN.
  6. To establish and maintain funds for the enhancement and promotion of scholarship and scientific research in CUL.
  7. To provide necessary assistance that will improve students and staff welfare in CUL and to act as a link between the students in general and the CUL authority.
  8. To deal in any real or personal property and acquire rights and privileges in any part of Nigeria or abroad which the CUAN might consider necessary or convenient for promotion of the set aims and objectives.
  9. To initiate and undertake any other activities which are consistent with the set aims and objectives of CUAN, or that which is hoped to promote its interest and that of its community at large.
  10. To engage the University in giving priority to CUAN who are qualified for employment in any position within the University


  1. All Chapters within Nigeria and Oversea shall after due consideration and approval become affiliates of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.
  2. CUAN has the right to enter into any mutual corporation or affiliation to promote the aims and objectives of CUL ALUMNI NETWORK. This shall be subject to the approval of the CUAN governing Council.


  1. Eligibility: Membership shall be opened to all CUL graduates regardless of the types of award from CUL. CUAN governing Council shall have absolute discretion on matters of eligibility and admission into the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.
  2. Grades of Membership and Admission Procedure:
  3. Full membership: right can only be accorded to prospective members after satisfying the following:
  • Obtain and fill a registration form with the payment of such amount as may be determined from time to time by members of the National Executive Committee and presented at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Graduates and Post graduates are included in this category
  1. Partial and corporate membership: Individuals (Honorary degree holders, patron and patroness) and corporate bodies that are friends of CUL shall be considered based on their contribution to the development of CUL as a whole and CUAN in particular. The membership screening committee shall investigate nominees, and report its decision CUAN council for rectifications.

iii. Fellows: This shall represent the highest grade of membership and shall be conferred on members who have distinguished themselves in their various field and life endeavors. The procedure for conferment of fellows shall be approved by the Annual General Meeting, following the recommendation of the membership screening committee.

Duties of Members

The duties of members of the Association shall be:

  1. To pay promptly membership fees and other dues that shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting;
  2. To register for, attend and participate actively in the Annual General Meeting
  3. To promote unity among members at Chapter levels;
  4. To be loyal to the Network;
  5. To be involved in programs and activities that lead to the development of CUL


  1. The National Headquarter and secretariat of the CUAN shall be permanently situated within the Caleb University main campus.
  2. An identified region shall operate only one chapter. A chapter is defined as an Association of the CUL ALUMNI within one defined locality. The CUAN council on the recommendation to the annual general meeting shall be empowered to dissolve any chapter, working contrary to the provision of this constitution.
  3. There shall be chapters abroad which shall operate under the rules and regulations guiding chapters within Nigeria.

Rules and Regulation guiding branches:-

  1. Chapters of the CUAN within Nigeria and abroad shall adopt and operate this Constitution of the National CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.
  2. Each Chapter shall be registered with the National CUAN and must subscribe to the payment of registration fee and annual due as may be determined from time to time by the CUAN council.

iii. Each Chapter shall send updated list of all chapter members yearly to the National CUAN.

  1. Current contact address and Names of all officers of the branch are to be updated yearly especially after elections.
  2. Chapter Secretariat of the CUAN. shall attend promptly to any other demand from time to time, made by the National Secretariat.
  3. Each Chapter upon being registered by the National CUAN., shall have powers to enact provision and regulate its own activities as may be peculiar to it, after due consultation and approval of the CUAN. council. Any inconsistency with the provisions of this constitution shall be null and void.

vii. Each Chapter shall elect officers as provided for in this constitution however the head of the branch shall be referred to as Chapter Chairman.


  1. The following shall be the established principal organs of CUL ALUMNI NETWORK
  2. The CUL Alumni Executive committee/chapter Executives.
  3. The CUL Alumni governing Council

iii. The CUL Alumni Annual General Meeting(AGM)/chapter Annual General Meeting.

  1. The standing council committee or chapter committee and other subsidiary organs as may be found necessary, any be established in accordance with this constitution.
  2. The Alumni shall be represented by the president (or any designated person as selected by the alumni governing council) on the governing council of Caleb University

    CUAN Executive Committee

This shall be constituted by elected officers at a National Annual general meeting.

  1. President/ Chapter Chairman.
  2. Vice President/ Chapter Vice Chairman.

iii. General Secretary/ Chapter General Secretary.

  1. Assistant General Secretary
  2. Treasurer/ Chapter Treasurer.
  3. Public Relation Officer/Chapter Public Relation Officer.

vii. Financial Secretary/ Chapter Financial Secretary.

viii. Asst. Financial Secretary

ix Welfare secretary/ Chapter Welfare Secretary.

x Auditor / Chapter Auditor

  1. Asst Auditor / Chapter Asst Auditor.

xii Ex-officer member: A maximum of two Ex-officer members shall be the immediate past president and any other recommended by the CUAN governing Council.

  1. CUAN: This shall comprise of the following:
  2. All Alumni executive Officers Except the External Auditor
  3. Chairmen of each chapter

iii. Immediate Past President.

  1. Set governor (or representative as may be appointed by the Set governor)
  2. One CUL authority representative nominee. (Alumni Relations Officer)
  3. A maximum of three (3) members appointed by the Executive Council for the tenure of the particular Executive Council.
  4. National Annual General Meeting: All financial members of the CUAN shall be entitled to attend and participate in the programme of the National Annual General Meeting. The Financial Members shall be members who have paid their annual dues to the national body.
  5. Standing Committee: The National Executive, chapter Executive shall have the following standing committee:
  6. Finance and project-committee
  7. Social and Welfare Committee

iii. Special duty Committee (e.g. Disciplinary Committee, constitution review Committee, Membership screening committee, Endowment and fundraising committee etc.)

Term of reference of Standing Committee:

  1. Each Committee shall consist of between 2 and 5 members to be appointed by the CUAN Executive committee and branch Executive Committee as the case may be.
  2. The Chairman, Secretary and members of each Committee shall be appointed by the executive committee.

iii. The Standing Committee shall deal with matters referred to it from time to time by the National or Branch Executive committee in accordance with the provision of this constitution.

  1. The members of the Standing Committee shall be expected to perform their allocated duties within specified time given to it, and submit their findings to the National/branch Executive Committee
  2. All the organs of the CUAN are empowered to pass a motion of no confidence on any of its member. And such affected person’s shall remain suspended pending the outcome of the disciplinary Committee.


  2. Represents the Association in any matter of its member(s) interest, and express in such manners as it deemed fit, in a sound representation of CUAN. It shall have the responsibility of reporting to the members’ of such expressions.
  3. Be responsible for the general administration of CUAN. Association in its day to day activities.

iii. Appoint representatives to attend meetings and/or activities of Branches and or chapters or other organization as well as that of CUL.

  1. Make all the arrangement for the CUAN governing Council meetings and convene such meetings.
  2. Initiate policies for the approval of the CUAN governing Council and implement such approved policies as well as other policies initiated and approved by the National Representative Council.
  3. Present an annual budget to the CUAN governing Council for approval.

vii. Keep custody of all the CUAN’S property.

viii. In conducting the affairs of CUAN Executive Committee shall meet at least once in three months (4 times a year) and as occasion demands, provided at least 72 hours’*’Notice is given by the National Secretary or his representative.

  1. Be collective responsible for any act of commission or omission done by the National Executive Committee.
  2. Exercise prudence and diligence in the conduct of CUAN matters.


1 i. The National President/ Chapter Chairman: – shall preside over all the National CUAN meetings and the Chapter meeting respectively.

  1. He shall in consultation with the General Secretary decide the date, time, venue and agenda of the meetings.

iii. He shall be responsible for the coordinating and harmonizing the activities of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.

  1. He shall be responsible for general supervision of the activities of all other officers of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.
  2. The president shall be the chief accounting officer of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK and one of the signatories to the account.
  3. The president shall be the representative of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK on the governing council of Caleb University Lagos and in any other matters as regarding the alumni.

vii. He shall exercise all such powers and execute such other functions as may be allotted to him by the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK governing council (in the case of National President) and as hereinafter allocated to him under other articles of this constitution.

  1. National Vice President/ Chapter Vice Chairman:
  2. The National Vice President/Branch Vice Chairman shall assist the National President and Branch/Chapter Chairman.
  3. Shall perform all the duties of the National President or the Chairman in his absence.

iii. He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by the National President or the Branch/Chapter Chairman as the case may be and also by the Executive Committee.

  1. The General Secretary: shall
  2. Keep all records of the Associations activities and meetings.
  3. Be responsible in consultation with the President / chapter Chairman to the smooth running of CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.

iii. Prepare and present an annual report of the CUAN activities to the annual general meeting

  1. Keep adequate records of the association and be one of the signatories to the accounts of the CUAN.
  2. Conduct correspondence on behalf of the CUAN.
  3. Be responsible for the general secretariat duties and any other duties that may be delegated to him by the Executive Committee, the Alumni governing council (in case of the National Secretary) and by this constitution.
  4. Assistant General Secretary: shall
  5. Assist the General Secretary in the performance of all secretariat duties.
  6. At the request of the General Secretary or in the General Secretary’s absence, act in that capacity.

iii. Shall perform any other duties that may be allocated to him by the Executive committee

  1. Treasurer: shall
  2. Be the custodian of all monies of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK and thus exercise control over the collection, management and expenditure of all finance of the Association in accordance with this constitution.
  3. Keep accurate records of all monies and assets

iii. Shall bank all monies within 48 hours of receipt except on weekend.-

  1. Shall be a member of the finance and project committee.
  2. Keep as impress of not more than N10,000 (ten thousand naira only)
  3. Assist the Executive Committee in the preparation of its budget.

vii. To give financial reports in liaison with the financial secretary to the annual general meeting

viii. To be one of the signatories to the account of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.

  1. Carry out-such functions as may devolve on him under article 12 (Finance) or as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Executive Committee
  2. Financial Secretary: The Financial Secretary shall:-
  3. Collect all monies of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK derived from whatsoever sources and pay them to the treasurer within 48 hours of collection.
  4. Keep records of all finances including list and details of dues and registration payments by members.

iii. Be the Chairman of the Finance Committee

  1. Prepare in consultation with the finance committee budget proposals for the deliberation of the Executive Committee.
  2. Submit the Financial reports of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK to the executive committee for adoption.
  3. Carry out all such other functions as may from time to time be assigned by the Executive Committee.
  4. Asst Financial Secretary:
  5. The National Asst Financial Secretary shall respectively assist the National Financial Secretary
  6. Shall perform all the duties of the National Financial Secretary or the Financial Secretary in his absence.

iii. He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by the National Financial Secretary

  1. Welfare Secretary Shall:-
  2. Be the Chairman of Welfare Committee.
  3. In collaboration with the Social/Welfare Committee, arrange for accommodation(s) and planning at the Annual general meeting and any other events of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK

iii. Through the Welfare Committee arrange all entertainment at the events of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK

  1. Shall perform other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Executive Committee
  2. Public Relations Officer (PRO) shall:-
  3. Publicize all programs and activities of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK and its organs.
  4. Ensure that all members of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK are duly informed of every activities of the ALUMNI NETWORK.

iii. Prepare and issue press release as approved by the governing Council or the president/Chapter Chairman in emergency cases and such release must reflect the views of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.

  1. Manage the social media accounts in liaison with the Secretary and President
  2. Carry out any other Function as may be provided under this constitution.
  3. Auditor:
  4. The Auditor shall perform over sight functions that will ensure that all revenue accruing to the CUL ALUMNI are properly lodge in the account(s).

ii The Auditor shall design and execute audit of the books and other relevant documents of the CUL ALUMNI in accordance with standard accounting procedure. And perform all other assignments that may be given by the executive committee

  1. Assistant Auditor:

i The Assistant Auditor member shall join the Auditor in the performance of the audit and all other assignments that may be given by the Executive Committee.

  1. The Ex-Office Members: Shall perform special duties as a may be assigned to them from time to time by the Alumni Governing Council or the Alumni Executive Committee.



    The ALUMNI governing council shall have the powers to administer the affairs of the Association to the best of its judgment and ability and shall inter alia:
  1. To oversee the assets and liability of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.
  2. To be the custodian of all other funds externally generated by the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK. (i.e. fund raising, endowment funds etc.)

iii. Exercise legislative power and control over interpretation of this constitution and also recommend all amendments to the annual general meeting

  1. Shall approve the Annual Budget submitted to it by the Alumni Executive Committee.
  2. Shall also be responsible for the approval of names of representatives(s) to the various University Committees.
  3. Shall be responsible for policy initiatives and approval of policies and programs of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.
  4. Convene the meetings of the Alumni governing Council as it deems fit.
  5. Appoint Ad hoc committee as it necessary to deal with specific matters.

vii. Make all necessary arrangement for National Annual general meeting.

viii. Approve and fix the remuneration of all employee of the CUAN.

  1. In performing its function to CUAN the National Representative Council shall.
  2. Meet at least twice in a year at six (6) months interval; and as occasion demands, provided at least 72 hours’ notice is given by Secretary or his representative or the tripartite meetings.
  3. Be jointly responsible for any act committed or omitted by the council.
  4. Honor and be regular attendant at all meetings of the council; and the CUAN meetings at large.


The Annual General Meeting shall:

  1. Receive the reports of the National Secretary (which shall incorporate reports from branches) and the National Treasurers report which shall incorporate the audit’s report (Including the report or any other organs of CUAN).
  2. Discuss motions and resolutions submitted to it by or through the Alumni Executive Committee.

iii. Take policy decisions on all matters affecting the welfare of the Caleb University and/or the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK.

  1. Be part of Annual Alumni week planned for all Financial members by the Alumni Executive Committee.
  2. Elect the Executive Officers of the CUAN, and the unofficial members of the Governing council
  3. Appoint Electoral committee and ratify its recommendations

vii. Appoint the External Auditor when the need arises.

viii. Review Alumni representation on various University Committees.

  1. In all Annual General Meetings, members shall comport themselves in a proper manner and decorum befitting university graduates.


  2. Shall hold regular and/or emergency meetings at least once in a quarter at such time and venue as may be determined by the Executive Committee or the President (Chairman) in collaboration with the General secretary meeting.
  3. A simple majority of its members shall constitute a quorum at any such meeting of the Executive committee.

(i) Shall hold regular and/or emergency meeting at least once every six months, twice times in a year

(ii) Half of the number of its members shall constitute the quorum at all its meetings.

  2. Meet once in a year and on such day in January of every year, or as may be determined by the Last governing Council. The Alumni governing council may postpone the holding of the annual general meeting for not more than four weeks in the event of some in foreseen circumstances making it impossible to hold the national general meeting in January.
  3. A minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice given through a pre-paid advertisement on media platforms and CUAN website must precede the Annual General Meeting.

iii. If and when the Executive Committee through the Secretary fails to summon a meeting of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Article (9) C (i) above, one third (1/3 ) number of all financial members shall be eligible to summon such a convention and the decision duly reached there shall be binding on CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK subject to conformity with the provisions of this constitution.

  1. Any emergence General Meeting shall be convened by the National secretary at the request of the National Executive Committee provided notice is given as stated in Article 9C (iii) above.
  2. A one third (1/3) number of all the financial members of CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK shall form the quorum at any General Meeting/Annual National Annual General Meeting of the CUAN.


  1. The President (Chairman) or other officer of the CUAN shall hold office until.
  2. The date when his resignation from office takes effect or by his demise.
  3. When his successor in office or constituted organ takes over his duties.

iii. He otherwise ceases to hold office in accordance with the provision of this constitution.

  1. i. Elected officers shall hold office for a term of three years subject to re-election for another term of three years at a stretch.
  2. The Governing Council shall reconstitute and be updated every year at their first meeting of the year. 


  1. Registration Fee: A registration fee of N2,500.00 (Two thousand five hundred Naira only) or any other amount as may be determined shall become due and payable in accordance with article 5 subsection b (i) above.
  2. Annual Subscription: Each member shall be obliged to subscribe annually the sum of One Thousand Naira only (N1,000.00) or any other amount as may be determined at the annual general meeting.
  3. Special subscription: Each member may be called upon to pay a special levy in aid of approval project(s). Donations may be also received from public through organized activities decided by the National Representative Council
  4. Remittance(s): Fund collected by the CUL Authority or any other establishment or individual on behalf of CUAN shall be remitted to CUAN Account through the Financial Secretary within that financial year.
  5. Receipts and payment:
  6. All monies belonging to the Association shall be kept in its name with such bankers as the Executive Committee shall appoint.

ii All Cheques-shall be signed by the two signatories of any A and B endorsed by A and B. The signatories to all the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK bank Accounts and Financial interest shall be the President, General Secretary, Treasurer and the Financial secretary as categorized below: –

  1. President or Chairman and General Secretary.
  2. Treasurer and Financial secretary

iii. No expenditure shall be incurred for any purpose unless such expenditure has been approved generally or specifically by the Executive Committee.

  1. The Treasurer shall maintain an imprest of Ten Thousand naira only (N10,000).
  2. All payments shall be evidence by vouchers, invoices, bills and receipts.
  3. In any case of urgent need the President/Chapter Chairman may authorize an expenditure not exceeding (N50,000) fifty thousand naira in his absolute discretion and afterwards seek the covering approval of the Executive Committee.

vii. It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to ensure that all payments made in form of cheque or cash shall be deposited with the Treasurer who shall ensure that such money is deposited with the CUL ALUMNI banker(s) within 48 hours of receiving such payments.

Viii. The Financial Secretary must ensure that receipts are written in triplicate, the original of each receipt shall be issued to the person from who money or cheque is collected, while the duplicate is kept by him, and the triplicate by the General Secretary for audit.


  1. The Financial accounts of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK shall be audited regularly by internal auditing.
  2. Two Auditors appointed at the Annual National General Meeting/General Meetings shall conduct semi-annual audit on the books of the treasurer and the Financial Secretary.
  3. the Auditor’s report shall be presented at the Annual National General Meetings. Having been verified by an appointed external auditor assessment.


  1. i. There shall be an Electoral Committee of 5 (Five) Financial Members elected at the annual National General Meeting, preceding the electoral year which shall be responsible for the conduct of the election not later than 2 weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The National Annual General meeting shall elect the Chairman who will be regarded as the Chief electoral officer, the secretary and members

iii. The Committee shall operate electoral regulations which shall be published at least a month prior to the election, as provided in this constitution.

  1. All nomination shall be through financial members and may be supported by one by one or more members.
  2. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
  3. Members of the electoral committee shall not vote or be voted for, and their tenure ceases after the successful conduct of the election.

vii. All financial members shall have only one voting right.

viii. To qualify to vote or to be voted for, a member must be a financial member with evidence of payment a month before the national annual general meeting, and must have not been found guilty of any misconduct by a duly constituted body or by any law court.

  1. To qualify to be voted for you must not be found guilty of any conduct by a duly constituted body or by any law court.
  2. Victory at election shall be by a simple majority and in case of an equality of votes, the voting shall be repeated until a clear winner emerges.
  3. There shall be no bias for favour at the election.
  4. Democratic conduct at all times: Voting shall be used to resolve issues at all meetings of the CALEB UNIVERSITY ALUMNI NETWORK organs and this shall be by show of hands (open ballot)
  5. Election Petition: All election petitions shall be forwarded through the CUAN Secretariat to the electoral committee within 24 working days after the release of the election results.


  1. i. The President or Chairman or any other officer of the CUAN Executive may be removed from office in accordance with the provision of this section, if found guilty.
  2. In the case where the entire Executive is being accused, allegation must be in writing and signed by 25 financial members of the CUAN which is presented to the National Annual General Meeting.

iii. The President or any other officer may be accused of gross misconduct and irregularities in the performances of the functions of his office, detail particulars of which shall be specified.

  1. The Secretary or his Assistant shall within (7) seven days of the receipt of the Notice cause a copy thereof to be served on the holder of the office and on each member of the Executive and shall cause any statement made in reply to the allegation by the holder of the office to be served on each member of the Executive Cabinet.
  2. Any or all Ex-official of the CUAN accused of any misconduct and misappropriation in the performance of their functions when in office shall be liable to probe and punishment if found guilty.
  3. The Executive Committee or Governing council shall

Whether or not the allegation should be investigated and if so the Executive Cabinet or Council shall cause the allegation to be investigated by the disciplinary committee.

  1. The disciplinary committee shall:
  2. Have such power and exercise such in accordance with the procedure as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee or Governing Council.
  3. Within one month report its finding and recommendation to the Executive Committee or an Emergency Convention or a body so appointed by the Convention.

iii. The disciplinary committee shall be constituted with 5 financial members to investigate all matters of misconduct and irregularities by members that is capable of misrepresenting or retard progress in the CUAN.


(a) Adoption: This constitution shall become operative directly after it is approved by CUAN at an Annual General Meeting or an extra ordinary meeting scheduled for that purpose.

(b) Amendments:

(i) The provisions of this constitution are subject to Amendments.

(ii) The Motion to amend this constitution as a whole or any part thereof can only be initiated by any member of the governing Council. Be forwarded through a notification at least two weeks before the date of the annual general meeting by the General Secretary.

iii. A proposal from outside the executive committee or the governing council for amendment or review of the constitution will have to be made through a member of the Alumni governing Council.

  1. The amendment to the constitution shall become valid, only when a resolution passed at the Annual general meeting of the CUAN by a two third (2/3) majority of members present and voted at such annual general meeting.


Appointment of patrons:

  1. The Executive Cabinet shall on behalf of CUAN nominate and appoint life Patron/Patroness and advisers when necessary.
  2. The visitor to the University shall be the Grand Patron of CUAN.

iii. The appointed Patron/Patroness shall automatically become an honorary member of CUAN and should therefore be informed of the CUAN activities by the Alumni governing Council.


  1. a) Definitions:
  2. i) Founding members are those registered financial members as at date of the launching of the CUL ALUMNI


  1. Mr Temitope Bakare – Protem President
  2. Mr Christian Odefadehan – Protem Vice President
  3. Miss Bisola Joloko _ Protem Secretary
  4. Miss Temitope Siyanbola – Protem Public Relations Officer
  5. Mrs Jane Stone – Protem Welfare Secretary