My CALEB Story – Abayomi Agbomire

I recall the story that lead to to Caleb Express interview with the VC then . So Moyo my editor of Caleb Express had accused me of not contributing to the newspaper production as I was too busy with school whala. “Deputy VC” she calls me. Moyo Walked up to me on a Monday morning “Yomi we need to interview the VC and his secretary says he is very busy at the moment”. “Deputy VC” Like me 😁 picks up my phone and sends a text to the VC requesting for an interview which he replies ” okay 4.30pm today my office”. Guess been the “Deputy VC” finally paid off 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well, I probably would need extra sheet to write my Caleb story in details lol. Anyways let me give it a try. So I got into Caleb university in the year 2012 and graduated in the year 2016 an interesting four (4) years. Was close to a few staff as I was more of all over the place living and fulfilling the motto of Caleb University” For God and For Humanity” myself and my closest friend turned brother Christopher Ayebe were more or less in a competition to see who could be more busy with school work and activities merging it with school work. Was very active in the Caleb fellowship which was a bit difficult for me as the fellowship had/has a “deeper life” touch to it and this for me who has never had anything to do with Deeper life prior to Caleb.

Aside from rising to a level in the fellowship leadership, I was also able to rise to a leadership position in my department (Mass communication), Faculty or as Caleb calls it “College” and also in the university. I was amongst the first team of the Caleb University Students Representative Council SRC and was the first General Secretary of the COSOMAS students body. The whole essence of our engagement in all these school activities aside fulfilling our dreams of leadership and living the Caleb motto was also to help serve as a bridge between we the students and the school management because truth be told it was more like the management was “inconsiderate” of how we the students felt and lived with their “funny rules and regulations” treating us like “secondary school students”. It took a while but my time in Caleb was meaningful and life-changing with Monday night service, Wednesday Bible study, Pastor Femi Oyedokun(Asst Chaplin), Mr Awe, Prof Owens, and so on just to mention a few.
Thank you for reading